Orthodontics and pedodontics
A few facts about these two disciplines:
Orthodontics refers to the straightening of teeth and, additionally, to the prevention and control of certain changes occurring in all components of the dentomaxillary apparatus. Dentomaxillary anomalies occur as an expression of a genetic inheritance, but also due to factors in the external environment, vicious habits (thumb sucking, prolonged bottle feeding, pacifier use, mouth breathing, etc.) which directly affect the growth and development of the dentomaxillary apparatus.
In order to detect and resolve dental anomalies as early as possible, a dental check-up is recommended as early as the period of the baby teeth, and a visit to the orthodontist is recommended around the age of 6, when the first permanent teeth appear (6-year-old molars erupting behind the baby teeth). Depending on the abnormality and the time of diagnosis, the orthodontist will decide which type of appliance is most useful to resolve the changes as quickly and correctly as possible.
However, it is never too late to decide to have a beautiful and healthy smile. Teeth can be straightened at any age!
Why is orthodontic treatment necessary?
The correction of dental malpositions and crowding not only provides aesthetic benefits, but also ensures the health of the dental-maxillary apparatus. Malpositioned teeth are more difficult to clean, frequently present cavities, tartar and gum disease. Poor mastication is manifested by muscle fatigue, pain and, over time, has repercussions on the teeth and temporomandibular joint. Depending on the type of abnormality present and the age of the patient, orthodontic treatment can range from a few months to several years.
When should I look for signs of malocclusion (malbite)?
It is very important to examine the eruption of your child’s teeth. Although each child has a different growth rate, there is an average eruption age for each group of temporary (baby) and permanent teeth.
A number of signs may indicate the need for an immediate orthodontic check-up:
Early loss of a temporary (baby) tooth
Difficulty chewing
Crowded, crooked, impacted teeth (not appearing on the arches after eruption age)
Temporomandibular joint noises
Frequent cheek biting
Teeth that do not meet (space between teeth)
Jaws out of proportion with the rest of the face
Thumb sucking or other vicious habits
Upper teeth protruding or spaced out
Upper front teeth growing behind lower front teeth
Upper teeth that cover more than 40% of lower teeth in bite
Chin too far back or too far forward
The center line of the top teeth does not match the bottom in the bite
Excessive gaps between teeth that persist even after the permanent canines have erupted.
What are the benefits of early treatment?
It guides the growth of the jaws, thus creating a favorable environment for the eruption of permanent teeth
Guide permanent teeth into the correct position
Regulates the size of the dental arches
Decreases the risk of injury to protruding front teeth
Corrects vicious habits early
Reduces the risk of permanent teeth getting stuck or erupting crooked
Preserves or gains space for erupting teeth
Allows for much easier correction if early intervention.
There are 2 types of orthodontic appliances: fixed and mobile. Fixed braces are made up of brackets applied to each tooth and a series of springs that align the teeth and resolve the anomaly. These brackets can be metal or ceramic. Mobile braces are particularly recommended for children until the teeth have been changed, but they have the disadvantage that the success of the treatment depends on the child’s willingness to wear the appliance.
Ceramic braces are an alternative for those who do not want the braces to be so visible. Like metal braces, ceramic braces are very comfortable and very effective in aligning teeth.
Ceramic brackets are made of a clear material, which is why its visibility on the tooth becomes much less. Due to the fact that braces are less visible, more attention to oral hygiene is needed.
Regular check-up
Every orthodontic appliance requires check-ups at a certain interval set by the doctor for follow-up treatment and appliance activation.
At the end of orthodontic treatment, to stabilize the result and prevent relapse, it is advisable to wear a mobile appliance-like retainer during the night.This retainer can sometimes be fixed to the inner surface of the teeth and is not visible.
At Estedent, your consultation is FREE. In order to choose the right braces for your situation and budget, we welcome you to make an appointment here.We will help you understand what you need for teeth straightening and present you with options specific to your situation.