Privacy Policy

General information

The confidentiality of your personal data is a fundamental concern for ESTEDENT S.R.L., with registered office located at str. Primaverii, no. 12/1, Cluj-Napoca municipality, Cluj county. This document aims to inform you about the processing of your personal data in the context of using the website

What personal data do we collect and what are the methods by which we collect it?

Depending on the products/services you wish to avail of, we will need to collect, use and store certain personal data. These personal data are listed below by category and case.

Appointments form:

Identification data: name, surname.
Contact details: email address, phone number.
Data of use: preferred date as well as the doctor chosen for the appointment.

Technical data:

the Internet Protocol address (“IP Address”) used to connect your computer to the Internet.
computer, device and connection information, such as browser type and version, operating system, screen resolution and platform.

How do we use your personal data?

We use your data directly to:

provide you with a service or send/offer you a product.
to respond to a request/question placed through the contact form.

We use your data indirectly to:

making reports and internal statistics of the company.
to improve the services we offer.
to improve the design of the platforms.

If you are a visitor to the website, ESTEDENT S.R.L processes your personal data for the following purposes:

Resolving Complaints and Complaints: This purpose includes monitoring traffic and improving your experience on the Site.

Grounds: The processing of your data for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of ESTEDENT S.R.L to ensure the proper functioning of the website and to constantly improve the visitor experience, including by resolving comments, questions or complaints.

Providing your data for this purpose is voluntary, and refusing to provide it will have no negative consequences for you.

Who else has access to your personal data?

External service providers:

The data you provide us may be accessed by contracting companies such as: IT companies that provide us with various services such as website hosting, database administration or website creation and management.

Third parties or entities:

To perform data analysis, testing and research, monitoring usage and activity trends, developing security features and user authentication.a

How long do we store your personal data?

ESTEDENT S.R.L. will process your personal data only for the duration necessary to achieve the aforementioned processing purposes.

The data provided on the occasion of registering an appointment through the appointment form are kept until the action/service performed is completed or until the time when you express your request to withdraw your consent by sending a request in this regard to the e-mail address mentioned above down. Personal data will be deleted/anonymized if you withdraw your consent to data processing by sending a request to this effect to the e-mail address mentioned below.

How do we secure your data?

We do our best to keep your personal data safe. We ensure that we limit the personal data we collect to only what is strictly necessary for the intended purposes. We use SSL/TLS encryption technologies to ensure that all your personal information transferred between the browser and the server is protected and remains confidential. We constantly monitor and update the systems we use to minimize the risk of vulnerabilities and cyber attacks. Limiting functionalities that can export data and limiting access to data except where necessary. We cannot guarantee 100% information security, however, we undertake to notify the relevant authorities and you if there is a threat (security breach) to your rights or interests.

What are your rights?

The right to information: The right to be informed whether your personal data is processed or not, what kind of data is collected, where it is obtained, why and by whom it is processed.
Right of access: The right to access and receive a copy of the data collected about you.
Right to rectification/deletion: The right to request the rectification or deletion of your inaccurate or unjustified personal data without justified delay, as well as the completion of incomplete data. If you request erasure, this will only be done if certain reasons set out in the GDPR Regulation are applicable. The rectification or completion of the data will be communicated to each recipient to whom the data have been transmitted, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate efforts.
The right to restrict/object to processing: So, where certain conditions apply, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data or to object to its processing for specific purposes, such as marketing.
The right to object to automatic processing: In certain circumstances, you can ask us to restrict how we process your personal data. You have the right to request the restriction of processing when there is a specific reason for this request. For example, this may be necessary if you dispute the accuracy of the data we process about you or the way the processing was carried out. You also have the right to object to automated processing, including profiling, and not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.
The right to data portability/transfer: The right to request the transmission of data belonging to you to another operator indicated by you, if the nature of the format in which the data is located allows this.
Right to complain: If we refuse your request under access rights, we will give you a reason for this decision. If you are not satisfied with the way your request has been handled, please contact us.
The right to help from the supervisory authority: If you believe that your rights have been violated or that your data has not been processed in accordance with the legal provisions, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Data Processing Supervisory Authority with Personal Character (ANSPDCP).
The right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw the consent granted for the processing of your personal data at any time. This can be done as specified below.
The right not to be subject to an automated decision: You have the right not to be the subject of a decision that is solely based on automated data processing, including profiling, and that produces legal effects on you or significantly affects you.

*Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person

To exercise the rights mentioned above or for any additional questions related to the processing of your personal data, please contact us with a written request, dated and signed, to the e-mail address: The rights listed above are not absolute. Any request received will be reviewed and a decision will be made as to whether it complies with the law. Afterwards, within a maximum of 30 days, you will receive a response related to your request. If, after receiving our response, you believe that your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the ANSPDCP.

Cookie policy

What is a "cookie"?

A “Cookie” is a small text file stored on your computer, mobile terminal or other equipment from which the web platform is accessed. The cookie is installed by the request issued by a web-server and is completely “harmless”, i.e. it does not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and cannot access the user’s information.

Cookies are divided into two broad categories: session cookies (these are temporarily stored in the cookie folder of the web browser) and persistent cookies (they are stored on the hard drive of a computer or device) . A cookie consists of the name (id), the content and the lifetime of the cookie. For more information about cookies, visit

Choosing to disable cookies may prevent the use of certain features. Refusing or disabling cookies may make some sites unusable. Rejecting or deactivating cookies does not mean deactivating advertisements, only that they will no longer be personalized.

What is the purpose of cookies?

Cookies are essential tools for the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to ensure an intuitive browsing experience adapted to user preferences. For example: Adapting content and services to user preferences, language preferences, providing user-relevant advertising, measuring traffic and analyzing factors.

What cookies does this site use?

This website uses cookies to offer visitors a better browsing experience and services adapted to the needs and interests of each. The full list of cookies used can be found below.Also, on this website there are links to other websites, which, once accessed, users are subject to the respective website’s policy.

The cookies we use are the following:

Required cookies:

These cookies are necessary to be able to use certain important functions on our website. These cookies do not collect personal information.

Cookie id (nume) Durată Descriere
Tema WordPress a site-ului utilizează acest modul cookie. Acesta permite proprietarului site-ului să implementeze sau să modifice conținutul site-ului în timp real.
WordPress setează acest modul cookie atunci când un utilizator interacționează cu emoji pe un site WordPress. Acesta ajută la determinarea dacă browserul utilizatorului poate afișa emoji în mod corespunzător.

Functionality cookies:

These cookies provide functionality that makes using our service more convenient and makes more personalized features possible. For example, remembering your name and email address in comment forms (autofill) so you don’t have to re-enter this information the next time you make a comment in the blog section of the site.

Cookie id (nume) Durată Descriere
1 an
Polylang setează acest modul cookie pentru a reține limba selectată de utilizator atunci când revine pe site și pentru a obține informații despre limbă atunci când nu sunt disponibile în alt mod.

Analytical cookies:

These cookies are used to track the use and performance of our website and services.

Cookie id (nume) Durată Descriere
1 an 1 lună 4 zile
Utilizăm Google Analytics pentru a măsura traficul pe site-ul nostru. Google are propria politică de confidențialitate pe care o puteți consulta aici
1 an 1 lună 4 zile
Google Analytics setează acest cookie pentru a calcula datele pentru vizitatori, sesiune și campanie și pentru a urmări utilizarea site-ului pentru raportul de analiză statistică. Cookie-ul stochează informație în mod anonim și atribuie un număr generat aleatoriu pentru a recunoaște vizitatorii unici.

What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?

Cookies store information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web server recognizes your browser until the cookie expires or is deleted. The cookie stores important information that improves the Internet browsing experience.

Security and privacy issues

Cookies are plain text files. They are not made up of code so they cannot be executed, duplicated or replicated on other platforms. Since, they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses. In general, browsers have built-in privacy settings that regulate different levels of cookie acceptance and automatic deletion after the user has visited a certain site.

How can you stop cookies?

Disabling cookies may make certain websites unusable or difficult to visit and use. Rejecting them can be done by pressing the icon in the lower left corner of the screen, followed by pressing the ‘Reject all’ button.

You can remove cookies stored on your computer through your browser settings. These settings are usually found in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. Alternatively, you can control certain third-party cookies using a platform such as

Fiscal code: 15586782

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